William Elizuk, Ed.D.

  • ProfessorDepartment of Education

Contact Info:

  • wjelizuk@31133.net
  • 919.516.4099
  • Boyer Building Room 200C

Educational Background

North Carolina State University

Fayetteville State University

Ed.D. – Higher Education
Florida International University

Area(s) of Research

  • Holistic’s and homeopathy
  • Movement education


Certified Sports Official


Production of HPE school video series (Director, Producer & Instructor}

SAU Campus Organizations

  • Women’s Basketball (Official)
  • Student Housing (Assisted in recycle process)
  • Intramural’s (advisor)

Community Involvement

Greater Raleigh Sports Commission (Deep South Classic)

Black Educators Summit (facilitator and attendee)

Awards & Honors

Basketball State High School Regionals and State Championship (game official)

Deep South Basketball Classic (official)

Favorite Quote

Pay attention to my words, listen closely to what I say, do not let them from your sight, keep them within your heart for they give life to those that find them and health to man’s whole body.